With over one hundred tools, Cyclops v5.2.16 includes the most powerful and extensive feature list of any simulcam iOS App in the world. Below are just some of the main features.
New Features in Cyclops 5.2.16

Image Constraints
Cyclops can track Image Targets, real-world images that you print. Constrain assets to the Image Target and as you move the pysical image your asset in Cyclops moves with it.

Image Anchors
Once you've aligned a CG scene to the real-world you can use an real-world Image Anchor to save that alignment and then load it later to save time aligning your CG scene.

Top Camera
View and explore your CG scene with a Top view camera as a Picture-in-picture. Choose a orthographic or perspective camera.
General Features

Asset Mode
Asset Mode allows you to quickly add assets to the live view wherever you are. Move, rotate and scale the assets with a suite of asset tools.

Scene Mode
Shot Mode allows you to integrate an entire shot into a real location. Load shots with CG top-ups and animation to visualize how they'll look on the real shooting location or set.

Vcam Mode
Cyclops features a dedicated Virtual Camera Mode. This mode is ideal if you want to explore your Virtual Sets and Locations to look at camera angles or blocking.

Built in Unreal
Cyclops is built in Unreal Engine. We can quickly get anything from Unreal into Cyclops. This allows us to leverage the real time engine and virtual production tools in Unreal. We now support UE 5.2

Secure Downloads
Our secure Medusa server allows you to download new content to Cyclops quickly and easily from anywhere.

Bookmarks allow you to save a location in the CG World and jump back to that spot whenever you need to. Bookmarks are invaluable when aligning the CG World to the real-world. Bookmarks are stored on a per shot basis.

Easy to Use
Not everyone is a 3D expert. We've designed Cyclops with ease of access in mind so even new users will feel comfortable. We’ve even included a library of user tutorials to get you familiar with advanced topics.

Outliner Panel
Use the new Outliner panel to select an asset in your scene. Additionally, you can now easily toggle asset properties like visibility, selectability, moveability, and more.

Visualization Platform
We've integrated Cyclops into our Visualization pipeline. This allows us to easily move content in and out of Cyclops. Not using previs? Don't worry, we can seamlessly work with 3rd party assets and animation.

Camera Data Recording
Cyclops records camera animation data when you save a photo or video. This data includes the movement & lens of the camera. We can then load the camera data into Unreal to recreate your Cyclops shot.

Cyclops now an undo & redo feature. You can undo most asset and camera operations like move, rotate, dolly, orbit and much more.

GPS Anchors
Cyclops automatically saves GPS and compass alignment information. Now when you load a shot the GPS info is used to instantly realign your scene to the real-world.
Asset Features & Tools

Add Assets
You can easily add assets to scenes in Cyclops. Add as many assets as you’d like by tapping the ground. Cyclops has a selection of default assets and the ability to add custom ones.

Move, Rotate, & Scale
You can easily move, rotate and scale assets in Cyclops using an on-screen joystick.

Drag Assets
Use the Drag Tool to drag assets around on the screen. Tap to select and then drag with your finger. You can switch between dragging on a flat plane or dragging the asset into the air.

Pickup Assets
The Pickup Asset tool allows you to "Pick up" an asset so it moves around as if it's connected to the iPad. You can walk over to the spot where you want it and then drop the asset in the new location.

Smart Assets
Smart Assets address common requests such as easy switching between asset variations, custom control of individual assets or scene components, and accessing detailed asset information.

Asset Constraints
CG assets in Cyclops can be constrained to another asset, the device or an image target. When you move the constaint parent the child moves with it. Choose from Parent or aim constraints.

Asset Collections
Asset Collections store the location & orientation of any asset that you've added or moved. Set up your scene, save the Collection and then load it when you are ready to shoot.

Delete Assets
Any asset that you add to a scene can be quickly deleted. Don't want any of the assets? Use the Delete All tool.

Holdout Asset
The Holdout Asset tool allows you to use a simple object as a “holdout”, making it appear that your hero CG asset is behind a real world object. Any asset in Cyclops can be turned into a Holdout object.
Camera Features & Tools

Dolly, Boom, Pan
Move around the scene quickly with the camera dolly, boom and pan tools. Camera movement tools use the on-screen joystick for precise movements.

Camera Freeze
A unique feature that allows you to freeze the CG camera view while continuing to move the iPad. Use this tool to quickly reposition the CG World or adjust the alignment to the Real-world.

Rotate Around
Tap anywhere in the scene to create a locator that you can rotate or orbit the camera around. You can orbit around any asset or spot in the scene.

Camera Fly
The Camera Fly tool allows you to fly around around the Map World as if you were a drone.

Camera Teleport
The Teleport tool allows you to instantly jump to a faraway spot or down to the ground.

Camera Orbit
Camera Orbit allows you to orbit the camera around a selected spot.

Real Camera Film Back Matching
Cyclops features real world camera film back matching. You can input the film back you are using and select a focal length and Cyclops will match the FOV of the real camera.

Digital Viewfinder
Quickly move through your lens set with the lens up and down buttons. Cyclops scales the screen view so you can see things with the FOV you'll get from your real camera. It's a VFX enabled digital viewfinder.

Customizable Lens Set
Cyclops comes with a predefined set of lenses but you can add, edit, or delete any of those lenses to match the set of lenses for your show.

Wide Angle Lens
You can now use lenses in Cyclops that are wider than the native FOV of your device. The surrounding area is filled in with the CG world.

Gamepad Control
Cyclops can work with an external game controller. Use the game controller to move the camera around, control animation, change lenses, and much more. This is a great way to work when using Vcam Mode.
Scene Features & Tools

Light Direction
Easily adjust the light direction & intensity in a scene with an on-screen light widget. It can align the light in the CG scene to the real lighting at your location/set.

With Smart Assets you can switch between sky textures, rotate the sky and adjust the sky ambient light color and intensity.

With a Fog Smart Asset you can adjust fog depth, & falloff. As well as fog color, max opacity and height.

Range Finder
Use the Range Finder tool to quickly find the distance from yourself to any CG object in the scene. Just tap a spot on the screen to see the distance.

Measuring Tape
Use a digital measuring tape in measure the distance between mulitple points in the CG scene.

Display Layers
Assets in a shot are arranged in a series of Display Layers that can be toggled on or off in Cyclops. Add & rename layers. Add and remove objects from layers. Layers are session persistent.
Maps Features

Maps Mode
Maps Mode integrates Google 3D Map geometry into Cyclops to allow users to explore the world of Google Maps with all the features and navigation tools available in Cyclops. Use Maps Mode to fly through and tour faraway cities and locations.

Google Search
Instantly jump to new locations in the world by using the power of Google Location Search. Just type in where you want to go and Google will autocomplete it for you.

Sun Path
In Maps Mode, the sun is positioned in the geographically accurate location in the sky. Visualize the sun's position for any time/date. Turn on a visualization of the sun's path for the selected day.
Compositing Features

Luma Key
Cyclops can now do a Luma Key composite. Great for sky replacements and placing CG objects in front of brigth skys. Can work alongside chromakey & depth compositing.

Scene Depth
On Pro iOS devices CG object can be composited correctly in depth with the live-image. Preview the depth matte & adj min/max depth.

Our improved real-time Chromakey tool can replace greenscreens with your CG environment. Extend with a virtual greenscreen to cover the entire frame.

Holdout Mode
We build proxies of the real world set as Holdout objects in Cyclops. Turn on Holdout Mode to see the real location, CG set extensions, and assets appear correctly integrated into the real world.

People Compositing
People in the camera view are composited correctly in depth with the CG scene in real-time using AI. People can walk in front and behind CG objects.

Clean up green/blue spill with the Cyclops Despill tool. An essential part of compositing.

LiDAR Holdout Geo
LiDAR on Pro devices can dynamically create real-world geometry that can be used for holdouts. This allows for better integration of CG assets in the real-world.

Color Correction
Use the Color Correction tools to adjust the live video. Adjust Lift, Gamma, & Gain with the new color picker. Additionally, you can adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, & more.

Scene Opacity
Adjust the opacity of the CG assets and scene. Use this to see through the CG geo to the live camera view. This feature is crucial for verifying that the CG scene is aligned to the real world.
Animation Features & Tools

Animation from Unreal
Cyclops is built on Unreal and can playback animation from an Unreal Sequencer. Cyclops supports multiple sequencer files in a single Level.

Play, Pause, Backwards
Each shot in Cyclops can have its own animation. You can play, pause or even play the animation backwards.

Frame Forward & Backward
In Cyclops you can use the frame forward and frame backward controls to move frame by frame through the animation.

Go to Start & Go to End
In Cyclops you can jump to the start or end of the shot animation.

Go to Any Frame
Jump to any frame in the animation. This shows a live update of which frame the animation is currently on.

Loop Playback
By default, animation looping is turned on. You can turn off looping at any time.

Change Animation Speed
You can speed up or slow down animation. By default, animation plays at the rate it was animated at, but a new play rate can be selected.

Change Start and End Frame
You can change the start and end frames for animation playback. Handles can be added for adjusted start or end times.

Animation Scrub-bar
Cyclops has an on-screen animation scrub-bar to quickly scrub forwards or backwards through the animation in a shot.
Pictures, Videos, & Gallery

Take Photos
You can quickly capture photos to share with other key cast and crew. Take photos on a scout to figure out angles or a shot list. Download the photos to create a photo board or animatic.

Record Videos
You can record full 60 fps videos with Cyclops. In vcam mode you can record videos and send them to previs.

Image & Video Gallery
Cyclops features an integrated Photo & Video Gallery. You can review any of the photos or videos you take in Cyclops without leaving the app. See metadata, add notes, rate, delete and more.

Quickly and easily share Cyclops images and videos with anyone using the native iOS Sharing tool.

When you take a photo or video, Cyclops stores metadata info for it, including time, date, focal length, aspect ratio and film back, GPS and 3D scene info so camera positions can be easily recreated in previs.

Rate & Delete Images
You can easily rate and favorite images or videos taken with Cyclops. Don't like an image or video? Delete it.

Camera Data Recording
Cyclops records camera animation data when you save a photo or video. This data includes the movement & lens of the camera. We can then load the camera data into Unreal to recreate your Cyclops shot.
Content Management

Easily Add Content
Other solutions need to be recompiled in order to have the content updated. This takes time and requires an Unreal developer. With Cyclops we can quickly deliver you a content file called a "DLC" that easily loads into Cyclops.

Manage Multiple DLCs
You can have multiple DLCs loaded into Cyclops at the same time. The DLC Manager allows you to Mount and Unmount any of the available DLCs. This makes it easier to manage all the scenes available in Cyclops.

Load Levels and Assets
Cyclops DLCs can contain any number of assets, shots, or scenes. We usually make each scene a separate DLC for faster downloading. After that, new content is automatically available in Cyclops.

Secure Downloads
Our secure Medusa server allows you to quickly download DLCs to Cyclops wherever you have an internet connection. Downloads are done over a secure VPN and access is controlled per-device to make sure no else can access your content.

Import Models
Improved importing of your own OBJ or FBX models directly into Cyclops. Import as many models as you like and easily add them the world. Place models and move, rotate & scale them.

Unreal Level Variants
Cyclops has support for Unreal Level Variants. This is a new feature in Unreal that allows us to easily set up your scene with multiple configurations. You can quickly toggle between different scene variants inside of Cyclops.

Web Downloads
You can now download DLCs directly from any website including sites like Dropbox & Box. This method is another option to allow you to manage and control how you load DLCs into Cyclops.

Unreal Exporter
With the Cyclops Unreal Exporter, users gain the flexibility to export entire Unreal Levels and Level Sequences effortlessly. Craft scenes packed with objects, textures, animation, lighting, & FX.