Help - Image Constraints & Anchors
New in Cyclops 5.2.15, the Image Constraint feature allows you to constrain CG assets to a physical Image Target. Image Anchors allow you to use a physical Image Target to instantly align your CG scene to the real world. Learn all how to set up Image Targets and use them for Image Constraints and Image Anchors below.
Image Targets
Image Target is our name for the physical printed image that Cyclops can track. An Image Target can be used for an Image Constraint or an Image Anchor. Setting up an Image Target is the first step before you can create Image Constraints and/or Anchors.
Check out this video on how to get started with Image Targets.
Image Constraints
Image Constraints allow you to constrain a CG asset in Cyclops to a real physical image. Once constrained the CG asset will move and rotate as you move the real image. You can Save and Load Image Constraints.
In order to get started with Image Constraints you must first have set up an Image Target.
Check out this video on how to use Image Constraints.
Image Anchors
Image Anchors allow you to load and save the alignment between your CG scene and a real phyisical location. This can save time on-set when you need to load up your CG set extention and want to quickly align it to the real set or location. Image Anchors are much more accurate than GPS Anchors.
Image Anchors use a printed Image Target to establish the relationship between the Real and the CG. Place one or more printed Image Targets around your set to quickly re-align your CG assets and set extentions.
In order to use Image Anchors you must have first set up an Image Target.
Check out this video on how to use Image Anchors.